Submitting Examinations for Interpretation

When the patient's images have been captured, checked and ready for interpretation, they must be transferred to TAS. The process is termed 'uploading' and consists of completing a patient and examination form, selecting the files (images) to be uploaded, and clicking a button to transfer the form and images to TAS.

Begin the process by launching the Breast Examination Submittal Form by clicking on the 'Submit Breast Examination' button on the TAS 'Main Menu.'

Completing the Information Form

Depending on responses during the new account registration process, the form will be prepared with default information consistent with those responses. Typically, the Submittal Form will most likely appear as shown, below:

Submit BR Exam

To submit an examination and related images, complete the form per the following instructions:

  • Patient ID: Enter the identifier you use to identify the patient being examined. This is usually the name of the patient, or the patient's file identification number. Use only alphanumeric characters. Do not use characters that are forbidden to be used in naming files.
  • Examination Date: If during registration you opted to use Use Today's Date, the date shown will be the current date. To enter a different date, uncheck the 'Use today's date' box and manually enter the desired examination date in the format requested.
  • Does patient report physical symptoms of breast disorder? Your stored preferential answer during registration is the default selection. Likely, 'Asymptomatic,' which also refers to a screening was selected. Should the patient present symptomatic, check either or both Right and/or Left checkbox, depending on which breast(s) the patient reports a disorder. Selecting either breasts raises a new dialog soliciting the disorder and its location. (Note: Unchecking erases information previously entered.)
Examination parameters
  • Was patient prepared for examination consistent with TAS-recommended protocol? The stored preferences answer is the default selection. This may be changed by clicking on the No checkbox. Each solicitation for information must then be answered:
Not Protocol

Next to be entered are optional examiner comments. These will be visible to the analyst throughout the interpretation procedure. Knowledge of artifacts, significant blemishes, sunburn, etc., are important and may be noted in the space provided.

Practitioner comments

After confirming that the information entered is correct, press Submit Information and Continue, or press Cancel to terminate the image submission process.

Transferring/Uploading the Images and Information Form

To complete the submittal process, it's first necessary to identify the images to be uploaded and then transfer them to TAS for interpretation.

After submitting the Examination Form, the 'Image Uploading' page is launched:

How many images

Select the images to be uploaded by clicking on the 'Add Files' button. This launches the standard Windows file selection dialog. The first time it is launched point to the folder where the recorded images are stored. (If this is not the first time the dialog is launched, it should already point to the correct folder.)

Using your mouse, hold down the Control Key and left-click each desired image until all images to be uploaded are highlighted as shown:

Which images

After all images to submit have been identified, click the 'Submit Information and Upload Image(s)' button. After a short time, you will receive confirmation that your examination and images have been received.

A report of thermographic findings based on the information you submitted will be sent to you by email.
